
Dear Family, 

The aim of our work and our play is to nurture— in ourselves and each other— the application of indigenous knowledge and healing modalities within movements for transformative justice, in order to strengthen our capacity for radical love-based innovation in our organizing practices.

We acknowledge the critical need to root ourselves, our communities, and our movements in our cultures, our creativity, and our ancestral wisdom. A major impetus for us to organize these forums is that we've often met and worked alongside folks who are active in movements for social and environmental justice and who are not connected to ‘spiritual’ communities. We've also met spiritual practitioners who embody principles of justice but are disconnected from groups fighting for public sector change at the local, state, national and global levels. And we’ve known many more who are active both spiritually and politically, but in ways that keep these worlds very separate.

We see a great potential for integrative and mutual empowerment, which will yield momentum in our shared visions of a livable and liberated Earth for us All.

Imagine what will happen when we come together!  

The work we must do together is multifaceted and involves: 

  • Challenging unjust systems of race/class/gender/culture power and privilege

  • Dismantling policies, practices and military systems that extract and exploit resources, and perpetuate the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few at the expense of the majority

  • Working to implement solutions, new relations and ways of being

  • Transforming our hearts, minds, spirits and practices to reflect the world we want to co-create now and in the future


Wind & Warrior

From Spirit to Practice and Beyond